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ProPhoto RGB vs jc1RGB v1.0 |
Specification of jc1RGB™
Profile Basic Property
Absolute Color Space, similar to sRGB, AdobeRGB, BestRGB, BetaRGB or ProPhoto RGB, in that profile does not associate with mapping function.
Chromaticity co-ordinates of Primaries
Primary x y z
R 0.7342 0.2653 0.0005
G 0.1587 0.7999 0.0414
B 0.1334 0.0434 0.8232
Reference White
With illuminant D50, Daylight, used for color rendering and whose chromaticity co-ordinate is
x=0.3457, y=0.3585, z=0.2958
Gamma: 2.2
XYZ to RGB matrix (3 x 3)
Note: XYZ and RGB are column vectors
R= 1.5422365 -0.2936087 -0.2344409 X
G= -0.5514800 1.5243283 0.0090034 Y
B= 0.0236679 -0.0702030 1.2691461 Z
RGB to XYZ matrix (3 x 3)
Note: RGB and XYZ are column vectors
X= 0.7001220 0.1259210 0.1381959 R
Y= 0.2528139 0.7138481 0.0333380 G
Z= 0.0000000 0.0469987 0.7782661 B
X= 0.6965263 0.1400414 0.1276712 R
Y= 0.2519876 0.7064762 0.0415362 G
Z= 0.0009495 0.0364673 0.7878480 B
Y= 0.2528139 0.7138481 0.0333380 G
Z= 0.0000000 0.0469987 0.7782661 B
X= 0.6965263 0.1400414 0.1276712 R
Y= 0.2519876 0.7064762 0.0415362 G
Z= 0.0009495 0.0364673 0.7878480 B
Why jc1RGB
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